This is a how to for creating a shift definition.

What is a shift definition?

A shift definition is a template that defines the basis for a shift. When a shift is created, it uses this shift definition to determine what type of staff and numbers to be allocated to this shift.


A shift definition is not tied to a date, but is tied to a time and forms the building blocks of a roster. You only need to create 1 shift definition to describe a particular shift. Then you add this shift definition to one or more roster definitions which you can reuse over and over.


Creating a shift definition

To create a shift definition, choose “Shift Definitions” from the shifts menu. You will be presented a list of current shift defintions

To create a new shift definition, click the “Add Shift Definition” button. To edit a shift definition click the link representing the shift name in the first column

You will now see the shift definition form that you need to fill in. Fields marked with a “*” are mandatory. You will be unable to save a new shift definition unless all mandatory fields are populated with data

Staff Category

Use the CTRL key to select multiple shift categories that can be allocated to this shift

Required Staff

This is a count of the staff required for each staff category for this shift. Use the CTRL key to select multiple staff requirements

Staff Category

Use the CTRL key to select multiple shift categories that can be allocated to this shift

Days of Week

Select which days of the week this shift can appear in. This will form the drop down list to select shifts when you create a roster definition

When you are done, click the “Save” button

You will now be returned to the shift definitions list view where you can see all the defined shift definitions. If you wish to edit a shift definition (including to delete), click the shift name.